Europe 2024

by See-ming Lee
SML Travel
Europe 2024 / SML Travel

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do, so throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, Dream, Discover. — Mark Twain

Explore the random universe. — SML, Crazyisgood

Take pictures when you’re young. You can do the post-processing when you’re too old to move around. — SML Photography

1/ Travel Plans

Here are my travel plans for Europe this summer.

2/ HKG to HEL to EDI

To fly to Edinburgh, I can take any route. Most people fly British Airways via Heathrow (LHR) in London, but I pick FinnAir because I like the airport in Helsinki better.

Also, I love FinnAir — Marimekko amenities!

3/ EDI to MUC

I will be spending a week in Munich — mostly, to see my sister. My sister lives in LA so I don’t see her very often. These trips are as much about me traveling as it is with me spending time with her.

The bonus about traveling with my sister is that she will plan everything. I just get dragged everywhere to see the best things. Since she loves to eat, I know that all the restaurants would be picked brilliantly also.

She is the travel agent of one — a tour guide is not necessary if you have my sister (LOL).

4/ Tentative Plans

These are very TBD places. A friend from Czechnia (but currently lives in Miami) told me that I could “hang out” with him for a week. Another friend from Luxembourg said that I could “stay with him” for a week. Another friend in Vienna asked me to “come visit and hang out”.

But I haven’t made any arrangements yet, but given the proximity of these to Munich, I thought that anything and everything is possible.

But I need to know soonish. I will reach out soonish. “Playing it by ear” is VERY hard for me to figure it out!

You see, if I don’t stay longer in Europe then I would want to do something in Scotland instead.

There is always next year (2025) — I plan to spend 1-2 months in Edinburgh in 2025. TBD. Everything is TBD — mostly, because I want to go and do some research. Some research is best done on location.