by See-ming Lee
I am writing a book.
I am writing a book, tentatively titled SML2SML.

I am writing a book, tentatively titled SML2SML.

It’s a book I’m writing for myself — my younger self. It’s a book that I wish that my older self would have written for me — so that I could’ve learned about certain things about life that I could’ve benefited from had I learned about them so many years ago, when I was still young.

I tend to question everything that I see and read, and so advices from others would always go through an analytical filter. But I know that I would always listen to myself if it’s from my future self — because I know that my future self would always have my best interests at heart.

When I eventually publish this book, I would’ve fulfilled my wish — that my older self would’ve written something for my younger self. And if by any chance that time is not as linear as we imagine it to be, then there’s a chance — even if it’s infinitely small — that this book could help my younger self, then potentially, it would indirectly help the current me.

In a gist, I’m trying to teach my younger self with the learnings I have had so far, such that eventually I could become the very best version of me. Past, Future and Present, working together in unison. Alignment through space and time.

Call me crazy. I’m doing this for me. And I know what works best for me.


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I am writing a book, tentatively titled SML2SML
I am writing a book, tentatively titled SML2SML
I am writing a book, tentatively titled SML2SML
I am writing a book, tentatively titled SML2SML
I am writing a book, tentatively titled SML2SML
I am writing a book, tentatively titled SML2SML
I am writing a book, tentatively titled SML2SML
I am writing a book, tentatively titled SML2SML
I am writing a book, tentatively titled SML2SML
I am writing a book, tentatively titled SML2SML
I am writing a book, tentatively titled SML2SML
I am writing a book, tentatively titled SML2SML
I am writing a book, tentatively titled SML2SML
I am writing a book, tentatively titled SML2SML
I am writing a book, tentatively titled SML2SML
I am writing a book, tentatively titled SML2SML